Are Bath Bombs Safe for Hot Tubs? (Plus How to Clean)

Are Bath Bombs Safe for Hot Tubs? (Plus How to Clean)

Bath bombs can be fun and relaxing, but many people worry about their safety in hot tubs. For some people this concern may not arise because they do not own a hot tub, but for others it is an important question to ask before investing in bath bombs. Here are the risks you need to know of when using bath bombs with your hot tub or swimming pool.

Jacuzzi safe bath products are made of different materials and chemicals. They can be used in hot tubs, but they should be used with caution.

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Are Bath Bombs Safe for Hot Tubs? (Plus How to Clean)

Is it safe to use bath bombs in hot tubs? Bath bombs are one of the most relaxing and interesting new ideas that elevate our baths. Bath bombs provide an ambiance that enables our bodies to completely relax and enjoy themselves, from glitter and flower petals to lovely odors and smells. It’s no surprise that folks want to throw them into their hot tubs!

Are they, however, suitable for use in hot tubs? Yes, provided you proceed with considerable care. Bath bombs should be used seldom, and they should be thoroughly cleaned after every four uses. Extra frills within the bath bomb, such as glitter, confetti, and so on, should be contained in fabric bags.

Of course, if you like bath bombs, you’ll want to learn all you can about bath bomb safety and how to use them in your hot tub. It’s no secret that a bath bomb, much more than a nice gazebo hot tub area, can radically transform your hot tubbing experience. However, you must be aware of all the nuances in order to avoid purchasing a non-functional, useless (yet very costly) piece of equipment. 


Contents Table of Contents

  • Always keep the bath bomb contained.
  • Don’t Do It Frequently
  • After each use, thoroughly clean
  • Take into account Hot Tub Safe Products.
  • Conclusion 


Always keep the bath bomb contained.

Many bath bombs merely emit a pleasant fizzing sensation, occasionally accompanied by a pleasant aroma like citrus or lavender. These are OK to use in your hot tub on occasion as long as you clean it completely afterward (which we will get into later).


However, the majority of bath bombs include ‘frills,’ which may include everything from confetti to glitter, flower petals to beads, and more! While these delightful accessories are great enjoyable and safe for your bathing experience, they will block up the jets in your hot tub, leaving them worthless.

So, how can you enjoy a frilly bath bomb without ruining your prized hot tub? The easy answer is to encase the bath bomb in something that will prevent bigger objects from slipping through the gaps while still enabling the fizz to enter your hot tub.

Consider using a cloth bag to keep the frilly bath bomb insides contained. Nylon stockings may also be a fast and simple answer since they’re likely already in your sock drawer. 


You may protect the glitter, confetti, and other items from leaking into the hot tub by securing your bath bomb in a cloth bag or nylon stockings. Make sure you keep these lacy pleasures contained since they are the main source of damaging jets within the tub in as few as three usage!

Purchasing bath bombs that do not include any ‘extras’ is another way to prevent clogged jets. Whether or whether there is anything inside will be clearly stated on the bag or box. You lessen the risk of generating difficulties in your hot tub by choosing a solid bath bomb.

For example, this Black Batch Bomb with Sliver Glitter may seem unbelievably fantastic (particularly when used outdoors in nature), but the glitter will most certainly ruin your hot tub jets. Consider these Homasy Bath Bombs, which come in six various colors and smells, including lavender, orange, and chamomile. 

Don’t Do It Frequently

It’s wonderful to learn that you may sometimes use a bath bomb in your hot tub, but it doesn’t imply you should do so every hour of every day merely to improve your hot tubbing experience.

Using bath bombs in the hot tub too often, especially if they are solid ones with no extras squeezed inside, is another significant cause of hot tub damage.

Because the bath bomb will release oils, this is necessary. Other elements in the bath bomb, such as moisturizing substances like coconut oil, may be included to boost the quantity of oil.

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The jets are likely to get blocked and stop working as a result of the extra oil. Not only will all of this oil make your jets perform poorly, but it will also create an unattractive residue on the hot tub, ruining its welcoming appeal and making your backyard an eyesore.

Bath bombs in a hot tub should be used just once a month or once every other week at most. To minimize any difficulties, it’s also essential to clean the hot tub properly after each usage.

After each use, thoroughly clean

Not cleaning your hot tub is one of the most common blunders a hot tub owner can make. Hot tubs should be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that they are working properly, appearing clean, and clear of dirt and germs. If you use bath bombs, this becomes an even more vital component of having a hot tub.

After each usage of a bath bomb, ensure sure the hot tub is thoroughly cleaned. You might probably get away with one or two more before cleaning, but why take the chance? 

How to Clean a Hot Tub After Using Bath Bombs

  1. For 30 minutes, fill the hot tub with very hot water and dish soap. The dish soap will be used to clean up any residual oil from the bath bomb in the hot tub. You don’t want your backyard to turn into a bubble party, so look for a dish soap that doesn’t produce bubbles.
  2. For 30 minutes, fill the hot tub with very hot water and 2 capfuls of bleach. This will enable the jets (and the hot tub as a whole) to get cleaned, which is necessary after utilizing bath bombs.
  3. For 30 minutes, fill the hot tub with cold water. The last step is to run a 30-minute cycle with cold water and no additives. This will enable the hot tub to clear out any remaining oil, bleach, soap, and other particles and dirt. This video will show you how to securely empty your hot tub.


Take into account Hot Tub Safe Products.

Businesses have heard that bath bombs are so popular that customers want to use them in the hot tub as well. However, several businesses are attempting to develop a solution that would enable users to enjoy the great advantages of a bath bomb without harming their hot tub.

There are currently a few items on the market, but hot tub bombs are expected to become more popular in the near future. Spazazz Original Crystals is one of these items. While it’s not a bath bomb, it still works by providing aromatherapy to your hot tub, which is unquestionably relaxing. 

These aromatherapy stones offer a pleasant scent that helps to ease stress and anxiety while moisturizing the skin. It’s also safe for hot tubs, so you may use it often.

The InSPAration Spa Bombs, which are specifically intended to function with hot tubs, are another wonderful alternative. They’re oil-free yet nevertheless hydrate and moisturize the skin. It’s simple to select a spa-specific bomb that you love with over 20 various smells to pick from.


What are your thoughts? Is it safe to use bath bombs in hot tubs? We believe they may be used in hot tubs as long as they are utilized with utmost care. Never use bath bombs with glitter, confetti, or other packed items. Bath bombs should only be used on rare occasions, and they should be completely cleaned afterward to prevent issues with the hot tub’s general performance.  


Bath bombs are a great way to relax and enjoy a soothing bath. But how safe are they for hot tubs? Plus, you’ll find out how to clean your jacuzzi. Reference: how to use a bath bomb in a jacuzzi.

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