How to Level Fence Posts on Uneven Ground?

Learning how to level fence posts on uneven ground can help you save money, time and effort in the future. If you are looking for a resource that will show you how to do it properly, we’ve got one here! You’ll find all the information about leveling fences or other types of posts that need some adjustment with this guide.

The “how to level fence post height” is a question that is asked often. This article will show you the steps on how to level your fence posts on uneven ground.

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Even the most unskilled homeowner can successfully install a fence. It is a rigorous and exhausting process, but with a little hard effort and research, it can be accomplished. You’ve got this! However, depending on the sort of fence you construct and where you reside, you may encounter uneven terrain.

Finding the appropriate directions to execute this work might be challenging, but with this knowledge, you’ll be putting up fence posts in no time. Continue reading to learn how to level a fence post on a slope. 


Collect your tools

When it comes to construction labor, tools are a person’s best friend. To make this procedure run more easily for you, you’ll need the correct equipment. The following are the tools you’ll need:


  • Concrete
  • Gravel
  • Digger or auger
  • shovel for sharpshooters
  • Level
  • a saw powered by electricity
  • Pencil
  • String
  • Gloves, glasses, and a mask are all examples of protective gear. 

After you’ve acquired all of your materials, you’ll need to select how you want your fence to look. Plan out what you’ll do next, and then get started!

Level the Ground and Install the Fence Depending on the Style

To make your yard seem professional, there are three major techniques to design your fence. These designs make it simple to level your posts while keeping your home looking respectable to the outside world.

Fence with a Level Top

Fence with a Level Tops are the same style as if you were to install a fence on a flat surface. The best way to install fence posts in this area is to get taller posts for any dips or lower ground level. 

  1. First, identify the location of the posts, which should be approximately 6 to 8 feet apart. 
  2. To install the post, repeat the procedure of excavating a hole, filling it with gravel, and pouring concrete around it. The tops of the posts may now be uneven, but this will be corrected at the conclusion. 
  3. Before you let the concrete cure, make sure your posts are vertically level. If you don’t, you’ll have to repeat that post’s installation.
  4. You’ll find out where the top of your fence will be on the posts after your posts are placed in concrete. Finding the lowest height post and marking the remaining posts to be cut down to that level is the best method to achieve this. 
  5. Using a thread to wrap around both posts is the simplest method.
  6. Make sure the string is level by using the leveler. 
  7. With a pencil, draw a line where you need to cut.
  8. You may now put up your fence. Near the bottom of the fence, there may be holes. This is a simple repair. Gravel or soil should be used to fill the void. Another alternative is to cover the uneven terrain with shrubs or plants. In no time, either method will have your fence looking great.

Fence with Steps

This is the greatest choice if you have a steep slope. It’s simple and doesn’t need any more effort beyond making the fence resemble a stairway.

How-to-Level-Fence-Posts-on-Uneven-GroundBravo Fence as a source

You must ensure that each step’s posts are level with one another. To make the posts even, you may always chop one or the other down.


  1. Take the string and attach it to each post once more. After making sure the string is level, mark the post at the height you’ll need to cut. 
  2. After that, you may cut any leftover posts to make each one level with the others.
  3. Remember that it’s simpler to lose height than it is to get it back, so if you’re not accustomed to using a saw or aren’t sure about your measurements, don’t chop too much off.

Remember that depending on the soil type and topography, you’ll need to make modifications.

Fence Racking

The style of a Fence Racking is easy to install posts, but maybe a little more difficult for the fence as a whole. Again, this style is best for a slope, especially steep ones. Luckily, you do not have to level the posts out like the stepped style. Your fence will run diagonally with the slope like a slide rather than a staircase. 

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This is how you’ll put these fence posts together:

  1.  You’ll stagger the posts down the hill, so figure out how far apart they should be, which is typically 6 to 8 feet.
  2. Dig a hole approximately one-third of the post’s length or 2 feet deep for your post.
  3. At the bottom of the hole, pour in approximately 6 inches of gravel.
  4. Put your comment here.
  5. Pour the concrete into the mold.
  6. Check to see whether your postings are straight. To ensure that your post is straight and not tilting to one side or the other, use a leveler. (Learn how to repair a leaning fence here.)
  7. To check whether the post is straight, set the leveler vertically.
  8. Ensure that it stays that way as the concrete cures. If this is done incorrectly, it may cause damage to your fence, necessitating the installation of a new post.
  9. If you’re not using concrete for an intermediate post, make sure you pack the soil in. Topsoil should not be used. Depending on the makeup of the soil, you may need to add gravel.
  10. After that, you may work on your fence.

What Can Cause Uneven Ground?

There are several challenges that you may encounter. Here are a few things that could get in the way of your progress:

  • Soil mixture
  • Roots 
  • Rocks
  • The terrain is overly skewed.

These may lead to you wasting additional hours of your time, but there are methods to avoid them. Here are some suggestions for dealing with these issues.

Soil mixture

The kind of soil you have may have an impact on how you put your post. Because the sand is too loose, additional gravel will need to be added to the hole or mixed with the sand. Only the intermediate posts, not the corner or gate posts, need mixing gravel with sand.

Red soil may be thick, making draining difficult. If the water in the earth doesn’t drain properly, your posts will rot soon. To prevent this, combine the red dirt with gravel. This will help the water drain more efficiently and reduce erosion on the surrounding land.


Roots are a less difficult challenge to conquer. You may either hack them down with a spade or employ tree trimmers. They must be removed, particularly if the roots are extensive. You don’t want those roots to grow around the poles and eventually damage them.

These roots have the potential to relocate your posts and weaken them. This isn’t ideal for long-term use, and no one wants a fence that breaks down. Remove these roots for the greatest results.


It might be problematic depending on the size of the rocks. You may need a tractor for bigger boulders, but for smaller ones, just remove it from the area you wish to excavate. It’s possible that you’ll have to dig around the rock before taking it out.

If the rocks are bigger and you don’t have the tools to remove them, try rearranging your fence to see if it helps. Fence posts may be spaced closer together to allow the fence to flow over the rock. Before you start digging, make a list of all the changes you want to make.


The “fence height on uneven ground” is a question that many people ask. The answer to this question is that you should level the posts with a board and then attach the fence wire to it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you level a post on uneven ground?

A: You would need to level the post using a jackhammer, or you could use an air compressor.

Should a fence be level or follow the ground?

A: If a fence is placed on the ground, it should be level.

How do I make sure all fence posts are the same height?

A: It is generally advised to use a 3-foot ruler and make sure all the posts are the same height. You can also use an adjustable tape measure for this purpose as well.

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