How to Make A Gazebo Cover

Gazebo covers are used to cover the top of a gazebo, either as an addition or replacement. Generally these types of covers will be made from vinyl for durability and ease-of-installation.

The “pattern for gazebo cover” is a blog post that will teach you how to make a gazebo cover. The pattern includes the materials, tools and process of making a gazebo cover.

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You could be in the market for a new gazebo cover, whether your old one has worn out or you’ve never had one before. Making your own gazebo cover isn’t difficult, but it does need some knowledge.

If you still have an old gazebo cover, the quickest approach to build a handmade gazebo cover is to trace it. If you don’t have the original cover, you’ll have to take your own measurements and use an appropriate material, such as canvas.

While this may seem to be a straightforward procedure, it may quickly become complicated. There are a variety of elements to consider, such as the kind of material to use and how to actually install it after it’s completed. So, let’s take a look at some of the job’s most important elements.


Contents Table of Contents

  • Making a Homemade Gazebo Cover
  • How to Make a Cover for a Gazebo
  • Putting Your New Cover On
  • What are the best materials to use?
  • Gazebo Covers Made at Home


Making a Homemade Gazebo Cover

Making a cover for a gazebo may seem to be a difficult operation, but it’s really not that difficult. The first thing you’ll need are the necessary tools to complete the task. 

Thankfully, the items you’ll need are commonplace hand tools that you probably have hanging in your garage or stashed away in a drawer:

  • To begin, you’ll need a pair of sharp shears to make straight, clean cuts without tearing the fabric. A rotary tool designed particularly for cutting canvas is available, although it is not required.
  • To trace the original cover, you’ll need a marker. If you don’t have one, you may cut around the old cover as a stencil if you don’t have one. Even if you don’t have the original cover, you can still take measurements using a marker.
  • If you don’t have the original cover, you’ll need to use a tape measure.
  • If you want to acquire the cover and install it, you’ll need a ladder. Make sure it’s solid and that all of the rung’s welds are secure. Make sure you follow all of the safety requirements while using a ladder. 
  • Finally, and most significantly, you’ll want a sewing kit as well as some basic sewing skills. The cover is sewn to the gazebo; you may wish to finish it off with a seam or add a personal touch. 
  • As a side note, it’s quite OK to cheat! It might take a long time to hand sew the seams around the edge of your covering. So, if you have a sewing machine, you will want to put it to good use.

How to Make a Cover for a Gazebo

Thankfully, assuming you know what you’re doing, producing the cover isn’t that difficult. Let’s go through the steps one by one.

Make sure the old cover is ready for tracing.

The first step is just to Make sure the old cover is ready for tracing.. Be warned that this will “damage” the old cover, so only start this process once you’re ready to go ahead with making the new one right away.


Carefully remove all the stitches after taking it from the gazebo. It will be able to be unfolded and set flat as a result of this. Otherwise, getting precise tracings from it would be very difficult, and it will be a major hassle.

The original cover isn’t completely destroyed; it may be reassembled afterwards.

Investigate the Previous Cover 

The second step is to size the new cover using the old one as a guide:

  • Begin by putting out the new cloth on a level surface. A driveway or other hard surface is ideal, but if you don’t have one, a lawn would suffice—just be extra cautious while drawing the measurements since the cloth will squish into the grass.
  • After that, place the old cover on top of it and stretch it flat before tracing it with a marker. Having a helper on hand will be really beneficial in this situation. They may help you trace the shape by holding the material stationary. 

Check that the marker you’re using is either water soluble or can be removed in some other manner. You don’t want to irreparably mark up your new cover before even cutting it!

If you’re not cautious, your tracing marker will slide beneath the edge of the old cover. As a result, utilizing a firm edge to keep your lines straight isn’t a terrible idea. 

Remove the Old Cover and Replace It

Then get those fabric shears out and start cutting.

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Carefully cut as straight as possible around the trace with the shears. Having a helper to keep the cloth taut while you cut would be quite beneficial.

Don’t worry about cutting your new cover precisely on the line while you’re cutting it free. In reality, some excess material should be left around the outline. Trim the edges to be flush with the trace after the main form has been cut out.

Sew It Up

The sewing equipment comes very handy here. 

  • To protect the fabric from fraying, sew a one-inch hem around the edges. Use a strong, waterproof cloth and add a double stitch to the hem for increased strength.
  • Then, when you stitch the new cover together, just use the original one as a template. This might be easy or fairly complicated, depending on your gazebo and how elaborate the initial cover was.

Using double stitching is a wonderful idea. It will strengthen your cover and maybe extend its lifespan by a few years. 

If you have a sewing machine, you should definitely utilize it. Hand stitching is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. 

What if I don’t have the previous edition’s cover?

It’s not a huge concern if you don’t have the old covering. The measurements are still available. You may acquire the dimensions by using the ladder and the tape measure. 

You’ll need two measurements: one from the front and one from the side of the gazebo. Mark it out on the new material, adding approximately two inches, then use anything with a straight edge to draw out the lines. 

Putting Your New Cover On

This aspect of the endeavor will need the assistance of another person. While you can do it on your own, having a helper will save you a lot of time and stress.

Essentially, you’ll want your assistance to aid you with centering the new cover on top and in the approximate position that you like.

It’s time to stitch the canvas in place after you’ve got it where you want it. While you stitch the remaining seams into place, have your helper hold the canvas on the other side of you to prevent it from expanding.

Alternatively, you may include a lacing system into the design of the new cover before tying it down with leather or other cordage.

What are the best materials to use?

This project may be completed using a variety of materials. They each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one will be determined by whether you want something that is fast, simple, and inexpensive or something that will last a long time and be quite sturdy.

Canvas is a tough canvas.

Canvas covers have a number of advantages, including the ability to flex and stretch, as well as the ability to resist tearing. Canvas also performs a wonderful job of keeping you cool and shaded by filtering out the sun. It’s a really durable material that’s perfect for your gazebo.

If you’re going to use canvas, bear in mind that it has to be pulled taut or else it will droop and appear sloppy. It takes a bit more work to keep the cloth clean than some of the others.


  • Appealing to the eye
  • Durable and tear-resistant


  • Installing is more difficult.
  • Cleaning is more difficult.

Vinyl is simple to keep clean.

Vinyl floor coverings are low-maintenance and long-lasting, so they won’t require much upkeep for a long time. Vinyl will also block damaging UV rays, keeping you cool and comfortable as you enjoy the day. While vinyl is a great material, it isn’t as nice to touch as other materials. Vinyl is a tough, somewhat abrasive substance. 


  • Durable
  • Maintenance-free


  • A harder material that’s not Appealing to the eye

Acrylic fabric has a very long lifespan. 

This is a very tough material, so much so that many manufactures offer a ten-year warranty. It’s also Maintenance-free taking minimal effort to clean. Another plus with this product is that it comes in an assortment of colors. 

This material is quite robust, although it is prone to scratches and other surface flaws. These won’t impair the material’s durability, but they might be unsightly if they accumulate over time.


  • The most long-lasting
  • It’s the simplest to clean.


  • It’s less difficult to scratch than glass.
  • The most difficult to set up

Gazebo Covers Made at Home

Making a new cover is a low-cost option. Some folks may already have some of the components in their homes. Even if you don’t, the material is inexpensive and readily available at most hardware stores. 

Making a gazebo cover isn’t a difficult job, so it’s ideal for someone who wants to try being creative or add a personal touch to their gazebos. Check out our post for additional information about gazebos and their many applications!

We also offer articles that will show you how to secure your gazebo against the wind and how to anchor the gazebo to increase stability!


A canopy top is a type of cover that can be made from fabric. It is typically used as a roof for gazebo and other outdoor structures. This article will teach you how to sew a canopy top.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a gazebo cover?

A: Sure, it depends on what type of material you want to use. If you are using wood or another natural material then there is no limit to how big your gazebo can be and the size of the cover that you would need. But if you plan on using plastic for your gazebo, then a 150 square feet might be about as big as it gets without having to buy new materials every time someone wanted their own customized design.

How can I cover my gazebo?

A: Gazebos are typically made from wood, so covering it would be a difficult task. For one thing, you could try spray painting the gazebo in order to give it a different look and feel. You can also cover your gazebo with an old sheet or blanket- if this doesnt work out for some reason, you may need to replace the material of the gazebo entirely because otherwise that would not solve your problems!

What can I use for a gazebo roof?

A: A tarp is a very lightweight material and can easily be moved around. You could also use layers of tarps to create the roof, but its usually more difficult for one person to carry.

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