​​How To Propagate Lavender

One of the easiest ways to propagate lavender is with a cutting from your garden. You can also use fresh leaves if you are able to maintain them on your property and spread these throughout the yard by using other plants in between as a barrier.

Propagating lavender is easy and can be done in water. Simply put a few drops of lavender oil into a bowl of water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Pour the mixture into a new pot, add some more water, and repeat the process until you have enough plants. Read more in detail here: propagate lavender in water.

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Lavender is a simple plant to cultivate in your garden, and it may offer fresh colors and smells to your space. If you wish to start cultivating lavender, you may start by taking cuttings from another plant. You may propagate lavender using either soil or water, depending on your area and time.

The techniques for propagating Cuttings of lavender into plants are simple and will help you establish a healthy plant. Continue reading to learn about the many steps involved in propagating lavender.

Contents Table of Contents


  • Gather your materials 
  • Humidity and Lavender
  • Brush Your Hair
  • Prepare your soil pot
  • Insert the cuttings into the pot. 
  • Cover the Slices
  • Place the cuttings in a secure location.
  • Wait
  • Water-based propagation
  • Conclusion


Gather your materials 

You’ll need certain ingredients before you can start growing your lavender. Because they are common home products, most materials will be readily available. 

You will need the following materials:

  • Seed starting potting soil (you can make your own or buy from the store)
  • A propagator or a pot
  • Hormone for rooting
  • Bag of plastic
  • Cuttings of lavender

Many of the items you’ll need are already in your garden if you’re a gardener. To produce your potting mix, for example, combine potting soil with additional minerals and nutrients for growth. These items, however, are readily available at your local home and garden shop. 

Humidity and Lavender

Varied lavender varieties prefer different humidity levels. Make certain you have the proper kind for your planting environment. You’re ready to propagate lavender cuttings after you’ve found the perfect variety that will thrive in your yard.

These kinds thrive in hot, humid climes, like as ours in Florida. Silver Anouk Spanish lavender, Provence French lavender, and a hybrid With Love lavender are among the varieties available. It should be planted where there is sufficient air circulation, regardless of the type.


Stick to Goodwin Creek Gray, Munstead, or Riverina Thomas French lavender varieties in hot and dry climates like California and the Southwest.

Keep Thumbelina Leigh English and Winter Bee and Ghostly Princess Spanish varieties in cool and west areas like the Northwest.

Aromatico Blue Imp. Lavender, Phenomenal Lavender, and Hidcote Giant Lavender are fantastic kinds to try if you reside in a normally chilly environment in the Northwest or Upper Midwest.

Brush Your Hair

You need to Brush Your Hair with a Hormone for rooting. The Hormone for rooting will help your lavender to gain roots in the soil. In addition, the hormone will allow them to grow and connect to the ground better.

It’s ideal to dip your roots in the hormone after brushing them, since this will assist them absorb it and form a strong bond with the soil.

Prepare your soil pot

Before you can plant your Cuttings of lavender, you need to prepare a pot of soil. The soils should be a mixture of potting soil and growth hormones. Mix these ingredients and make sure they are evenly distributed throughout the entire pot.

Make holes in the earth with your fingers once you’ve mixed the dirt. You should not dig too far into the earth with your fingertips. Instead, it should be towards the soil’s centre, with adequate space for the roots to develop. Your cuttings will be planted in the holes in the soil. 

The holes in the soil will be suitable for your roots dusted with the Hormone for rooting. The Hormone for rooting will not rub off quickly in the soil if you give the roots enough space to grow.

Insert the cuttings into the pot. 

Place the clippings in the pot once it has been prepared. Lightly pat down the earth, making sure it reaches the cutting’s stems. Make sure that each clipping you plant in the soil is spaced apart. The cuttings should be spaced evenly apart to enable room for the roots of each plant to develop.

Cover the Slices

If you’re propagating the cuttings inside, cover them with a bag or the propagation box. Both of these ways will assist in maintaining the proper humidity level for the cuttings to thrive.

Place the cuttings in a secure location.

Finally, after placing your cuttings in the container, keep them dry and away from rain, wind, and other forms of precipitation. The cuttings are delicate until they develop roots and must be protected from extreme weather.

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Make sure you check on your cuttings every day once you’ve chosen a location for your plant. The soil should be wet, but not dry, for the plant to thrive. To maintain the plant healthy, spray the cuttings and even water them once in a while.


Finally, you must wait for your roots to establish themselves in the container and flourish. It will take three to six weeks to transplant it in the location you like.

Water-based propagation

You may propagate your cuttings in water if you don’t want to use a typical container and soil. Replanting them somewhere has a lower success rate, but it is a more basic procedure that might help you save room for the plant. A soil plant will be bigger and take up more space than a plant grown in water.

To put them in the water, you’ll need the following items:

  • Vase
  • Water that is lukewarm

Place the cuttings in the vase after filling it halfway to three-quarters full with lukewarm water. If the leaves come into contact with the water, they will decay. If you see decaying leaves in the vase, make sure the water is filtered and replaced. You’ll need lukewarm water and to keep the leaves out of the water, otherwise you’ll have to replenish it.

Because of the quantity of moisture in the environment, roots should begin to develop slowly. They will be able to transplant in soil pots after the roots have grown strong. Just make sure the water isn’t too hot.


Lavender is a lovely plant to have in your garden because of its beauty and, more importantly, its fragrance characteristics. You should be able to reproduce and develop plenty of lavender in your garden using the techniques outlined above.

Read our post on how to dry rosemary if you prefer different herbs.


Propagating lavender with honey is a fairly easy process. First, you will need to get your hands on some lavender. Then, you will need to mix it up with some honey in a jar. Next, put the lid on and let it sit for about three days. Then, take out the lavender and place it in a pot of soil or water that has been mixed with peat moss. You can also use a flower pot that has drainage holes in the bottom if you want to grow more plants from one plant. Reference: propagating lavender with honey.

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