What Plants Grow Well in Shade in Arizona

This is a blog about the plants that grow well in shade, in Arizona. It will include any tips on how to care for them and which plants are good choices if you’re looking to make your garden more interesting.

The “arizona shade shrubs” is a plant that grows well in the shade. This plant can be used to provide privacy and reduce the amount of sunlight that enters your home.

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Cactus and scorching deserts are two of Arizona’s most well-known features. Plants that thrive in other climates seldom survive the Arizona sun, particularly in the summer. If you want to include more exotic plants in your Arizona garden, growing them in the shade may be the best choice. 

In Arizona, several succulents, vines, and grasses thrive in the shade, including:

  • Aloe
  • Jasmine 
  • Agave
  • Tail of a Donkey 
  • Lilly of the Day

Many others will thrive in the sweltering heat of Arizona.


Despite the fact that temperatures in Arizona may reach searing levels, sometimes reaching triple digits, many plants thrive in the shade. Plants under direct sunlight may struggle in this part of the globe. You have a lot of horticultural possibilities if you carefully put your garden in the shadows. Continue reading to learn about what plants thrive in the shadow in Arizona. 


In Arizona, there are a variety of plants that thrive in the shade.

Arizona’s scorching heat may be harmful at times. There are many various flowers, grasses, and succulents that survive in the scorching heat of Arizona if you have shade at your house or in your garden. 

In Arizona, plants that thrive in the shade are often more hardy than other plants. Even if they don’t do well in direct sunshine, they must be able to resist high temperatures. In addition, most of the plants that thrive in the shade in Arizona are water-loving succulents or some form of succulent or low-water plant. 

Many of the greatest plants for growing in shady parts of Arizona, as well as their maintenance and the times of year when they are ideal for planting and flowering, are discussed in the following list. 



Aloe is a hardy succulent that can tolerate harsh temperatures and is one of the great therapeutic plants of the desert. For aloe to flourish in its growth region, it requires shade and little direct sunshine. Even in the torrid heat of Arizona, the thick green shafts of this plant thrive in shaded locations in the garden. 


Aloe thrives under a modest amount of sunlight. They don’t mind being planted in deep shade in hot areas, however. 

Water the aloe plant only when the earth surrounding it is dehydrated, according to a helpful aloe growth tip.

One of the nicest things about aloe is that it can be used to treat many ailments. You may cut the leaves as they get more prominent to propagate additional alow plants or utilize the insides of the leaves as an antibacterial and skin-soothing remedy as they become more apparent. 



Jasmine is one of those plants that smells wonderful when exposed to heat and sunshine, but it can also thrive in the shadow. With a few techniques and tactics, you can grow Jasmine in the shade in Arizona. 

Jasmine comes in a variety of types, some of which do not thrive in the shadow. Madison or Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jaswminoides “Madison”) and Asiatic Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jaswminoides “Madison”) are two varieties of Jasmine that grow well in partial or total shade (Trachelospermum asiaticum). 

The Star Jasmine is more of a vine with more fragrant blossoms, whilst the Asiatic Jasmine is more of a ground cover with few or no flowers.

  • Make sure there are lots of trellis sites for the vines to climb. 
  • Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, but never totally.
  • To get the most out of the Star Jasmine’s exquisite smell, make sure the wind is blowing it in the direction of an open window. 

In Arizona, growing these two types of Jasmine in the shade will provide healthy vines on the side of a fence or building. In addition, the following are some of the finest strategies for growing Jasmine in the shade:  

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Agave is one of those succulents that thrives in the shade in Arizona’s climate. The heat aids water absorption in its wide leaves portions, while the shadow prevents wilting. 

Yes, it’s correct — agave is a well-known component in tequila. The spiky spikes of a fully mature agave plant will reach a height of nearly 20 feet! They are, nevertheless, abundant with blooming and gorgeous succulents that develop to be significant garden centerpieces.   

The following are some recommendations for cultivating agave in the shade in Arizona: 

  • Because of the spiky spikes on this succulent, keep it away from pathways.
  • Use a little amount of water. At most, drip water a few times each week.
  • Wait for the flower to appear. The blooms of certain agave varieties have a seven-year cycle.

Because the agave plant thrives in the shadow, make sure you provide enough of area for it to flourish. This is the largest succulent on the list, and the spines may be deadly. The agave, on the other hand, may be a show-stopper in your landscape. 

Tail of a donkey or a burro


This brush-shaped succulent is a thick and attractive plant with drooping foliage that drapes down below the pot’s rim. Sedum morganianum is the scientific name for this hanging succulent. Because of the dense bushy growth and the way it hangs, it is still known as Donkey’s Tail. 

Even in the high temperatures of Arizona, donkey’s tail grows well in the shade. It takes little effort to water a donkey’s tail. The tail of a well matured year-old or older donkey only needs to be wet once or twice a week. 

The soil needed for the Tail of a Donkey is thick with drainage because this succulent needs little water for its roots. The roots drink quickly and don’t need to stay moist. 

Day Lily


Despite the fact that its name suggests it requires a lot of sunshine, the day lily blooming plant is a gorgeous plant that thrives in the shadow and can resist heat. 

Day lilies are perennials with enormous orange flowers that light up a landscape. Make careful to keep their soil fresh, however. They, unlike succulents, need damp soil on a regular basis to maintain good development. 

The day lily is another plant whose blossoms remain open for an extended period of time. This means they’ll bring pollinators to your garden and are a great addition for anybody wishing to transfer pollen to other plants. 

The day lily isn’t as tough as the rest of the plants on this list. 

Final Thoughts

These plants are unaffected by Arizona’s scorching heat and bright sunshine. These succulents and flowers will grow in full shadow, adding greenery and tranquillity to your yard. When you concentrate on propagating and caring for these plants that thrive in the shadow in Arizona, you may have a beautiful garden.


The “shade tolerant plants southwest” is a question that has been asked many times in the past. There are many types of plants that grow well in shade, and these can be found in Arizona.

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